Friday, March 4, 2011

A bit late on the update...

I'm engaged. Man, that feels good to say. I have been blessed with the special opportunity to spend the rest of my life with the man I love. He's my best friend, my rock, and my everything. Whenever I consider the people that I associate myself with, honesty and loyalty are two of my biggest things I require out of my people. I'm so fortunate as to be marrying a man who holds many of the same values that I do- we don't always agree on everything, but for the big stuff that counts, we are two peas in a pod.

Lauren Graviett, I'm going to text you to make sure you see this update because you are getting your own section. I love you. You are my best frannn and the only person I want following me around making sure I have table skirts for my wedding... Because we all know how I feel about table skirts and other things that I don't consider in my every day life as important. lol. But for real, I wouldn't make it without you and Eli keeping tabs on me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it. Some days I don't feel like it's worth putting up with a sea of fake people to make sure the chapter is being ran... You make sure I'm doing my job anyway. Thank you. Thank thank thank you. Again, I love you.... And Spring Break- It's on.

Monday, December 27, 2010

"Today I don't feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed..."

*le sigh* The end of Christmas vacation is here and tomorrow marks my return to reality- Work, re-doing that blasted paper (grrrrrrrrrr), and never ending errands.

Say what you want to, but there isn't anything quite like returning home for a couple of days to make you realize how much you miss your old life sometimes, and remind you of why things are different now. I miss my parents every day I'm not at home, but I'm so used to living on my own that coming home and staying for several days is always an adventure. Makes me wonder if this happens to everyone over time.

Santa visited! Santa visited! He left me a new Nikon S4000, so expect photo updates soon... he also left me several sweaters, jeans, a couple of nice clothing items, DVDs, and one sad little iPod adapter that wouldn't work in my car (remedied today). Oh, not to mention cash... which will be used to aid my oil change in the morning and probably getting my hair cut. =)

I have been suckered into going on Greek Retreat at the beginning of January. Am I excited? As much as I can be. Hesitant about being stuck out in God's country with a bunch of people I don't know well, and a few sisters? You bet. I should be blogging again before then, with more information in the event that I need someone to venture out into the wilderness and find me.

Work is work, as normal. I want to be uber rich and running a puppy farm where I can have a little horde of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Oh, and did I mention not working wanky hours because of my school schedule? Yeah, that.

McLintock! is on. Oh John Wayne, it's between you and Brad Pitt for my favorite Sigma Chi. No seriously, you don't understand. My extended family has three normal topics of discussion when together at gatherings: Alabama football, Jesus, and John Wayne. This is a way of life for my family and it is one I hold very dearly.

Speaking of fraternities... before I say one word about ADPi, I have a small rant to go off on. Turn away now if you think is the way things are supposed to be. *ahem*
That website makes us look like a bunch of disengaged drunken miscreants that don't deserve to wear the letters we are representing. Since when aren't we allowed to have our own opinions about the way things are? I'm Greek. I'm a Democrat. I'm feminist to an extent. I don't think I'm better than anyone else. Don't like it? Well, tough cookies. That's my opinion, not yours. That site does NOTHING but turn away people who would be good for our organizations and fuel everyone's fire that we are useless to society. Thanks. *end rant*

Now, to my loves: Alpha Delta Pi. I'm on fire for you and for Zeta Eta chapter. I want to see us be the best us we can be. We aren't the same 26 member chapter we were- we are strong. I'm hoping the next semester will reunite us and show everyone what we can do. Step Sing is going to be BOSS, and I couldn't be more thrilled about the upcoming year. I'm excited about executive and what we can do together if we work together. I'm excited that my bestfraan is our social chair- I have NO DOUBT she is going to get schtick done. I hope to serve our chapter and be the best president I can be, and please have no doubt I'm going to work my hiney off to do so.

Elijah Dalton: We are quickly approaching 2 solid years of dating- quite happily. He's my best friend and the person I'm going to be spending my life with and I couldn't be happier about it. This year is going to hold a few changes for us- exciting, happy changes that will help us grow both individually and in our relationship with each other. =D

NEWW YEAAAAARS EEEEEEVE... This girl is ready. Not for the 8AM shift on the 1st, but for the night itself? Heck yeah!

Well... that's about it. Toodles. =D

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

AHHHHH... End quote.

Dear Semester from the Depths of Hades Itself:
Go away. I'm tired of you. I'm tired of the pointless classes I was duped into signing up for and the multitude of papers I have to have finished by next week. I just want to sleep, spend time with my fraaaaans, and sleep some more.

This whole work thing with finals going on isn't working for me either. Not that I'm narcissistic, but I've been trying to convince my parents that I'm entirely too pretty to work. (Bahaha, I know right?)

Women's Studies is nearly over and my graduation application will be in as of the beginning of next week... And next semester is 15 hours of classes that I'm okay with being in and the CAAP exam. Two semesters more... Just two.

On the other hand, I'm anticipating elections this weekend and being voted in as President of ADPi. I'm not dumb enough to believe that everyone is as excited to see me in the position as I am to be in it, I just hope I can do the job and our chapter justice. I'm going to give it my all, because that's the only way I know how to do it. I'm so thrilled, I'll get to attend National Convention in June... In Phoenix. =D

I love Elijah Dalton. He makes me happy. =)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Updates for the sake of updates.

I work. I go to school. I sleep. Yep. Occasionally, I get to see my boyfriend and sisters. That's life, I've been told. My mother informed me that, this was the way of life. We live to work... Which is the most utterly depressing thing I've ever considered. What is the point of life if we are stuck working to meet some end for years and years, until one day you wake up and you're elderly, sick, and tired? That's never been something that is even remotely appealing. I mean, I realize I'm in college in hopes that I won't have to slave away to meet ends meet at some job that I hate, but gah. That's where I'm sitting right now.

Happy? Sure, I'm happy enough.

Yep, until later.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Soo... Yeah.

Well ladies and gentlemen... Formal Recruitment is over. This has been the cause of a LOT of unnecessary stress over the last 4 months or so... Thank God it's over. A lot of people complained about how tired they were- try me. I haven't had a break from ADPi since April. Literally. If someone decided to help, I let them. What else could I do? I was tired, stressed, behind on school, and stuck working at a job that I detest. I do what I can, but after that, I have to have help. I'm only one woman and Lord knows I'm not superwoman.

On the other end, I was awaiting a big burst of relief at the thought of it all being over... it was rather anticlimactic actually. It's over, we have beautiful amazing Alphas who are going to do wonderful things for this chapter... and I still feel very little relief. It could be because I have a LOT of paperwork left. It could be because I smile too much or wear too much pink... Either way, I have no interest in hearing your life story... (Just kidding on that last part, a bit of True Blood humor for my homies... and I know you exist.)


What would I do without my Elijah? The answer is- Not much. Even though I'm suffering from a serious case of "down in the dumps" he is taking care of me as much as he knows how. He surprises me with Alabama attire and Fro-Yo and reminds me everyday that he loves me... And I love him for it. Seriously, this boy is my own personal Saving Grace most days. One day, we are getting married and getting a mastiff and a King Charles Spaniel... Until then, we will be content to just be together.

On happier notes: I HAVE MY LAUREN BACK!!! =D I also have a beautiful new diamond sister... Can you say do-over? Amelia is beautiful, sweet as pie, and adorable. Chartering banquet is coming up and I'm STOKED. My dress is perfection.

Until later.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"And there's nothing cold as ashes after the fire is gone."

Ahh, Conway and Loretta. No truer words have been spoken. I sit here typing this blog, feeling drained, defeated, and downright down.

I don't understand why I'm feeling this defeated. I don't want to. I want to be a happy person who just wants to paint, raise puppies, and ride off in the sunset with good 'ol Prince Charming.

I also just wanted a fabulous recruitment with no issues. Bah, that was a nice dream back at DLC when I got conned into taking the job. Now here we are: I have a week. Less than a week, a week from yesterday. I'm being forced to make decisions that go against my better judgement because it's "for the best". Great. I'm a very analytical person. I analyze every aspect of what COULD happen if a particular decision is made- and there is a good chance I'll be right about it. I'm very empathetic and I'm emotional, but that's what makes me good at what I do. I have a ton of creative energy that has been all but depleted. I can't even paint right now. In lieu of my previous positivity, I'm just counting down the days till Bid Day... At which point I'm on vacation.

In other news.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. No, seriously. Stop it. You are ruining your life. You're an idiot, and so is he for asking. And no one rushes into a decision like that without extenuating circumstances. Ever. End of rant.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Medium.... And a change of medium?

So... I'm one week into my "lifestyle change". I'm going to lose 50 lbs- You watch, I can do it. The hardest part is this whole diet change causing emotional changes... I hate being on cloud nine one minute and feeling like I'm in a hole the next. That's not my personality and I don't want to be that way. Here's to hoping I will find my happy medium here soon and be SEXAHY for Delta Chi's chartering banquet next month. =)

I'm also suffering from an art block, if you will. I can't force myself to paint and I want to so so badly. I don't feel like I have any inspiration. I have an art business I want to run, and if I can't find the inspiration to paint, then there's no business right? I'm thinking I need a change of medium for a while. I'm going to switch to oil pastels for a bit and see if I can bring a bit of inspiration back. That will give me the ability to sketch and draw, rather than just painting and hoping for a good turn out.

I'm SO TIRED of wedding season and hearing that people are looking at rings, getting engaged, and wedding dress shopping! SO SO SO Tired! Ugh. Give the rest of us a break! Don't you think that I want to be ring shopping and dress shopping and planning a fabulously little beach wedding that I'm only having limited attendance at? Well mark my words- it's coming. It may not be happening as fast as I want, and that's probably for the best. After all 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce... And I don't want to be another statistic like some of these people will.

The last rant for the day? I"M SO TIRED OF BEING BROKE! ASDFJKL;! Why why why? Why is it that I work so hard and get NOWHERE?! Wanna know why? MINIMUM WAGE. That's why.

Let's go happy. I'm going to name 5 reasons I'm happy today.

1. Eli Cockrum and Kristin Teat
2. Fresh oranges. =)
3. I fixed a toilet all by myself. =)
5. PAArty this weekend? Absolutely.
